Sur cette page, vous pouvez trouver une carte de localisation, ainsi qu'une liste des lieux et des services disponibles sur ou à proximité West 14th Street: Hôtels, restaurants, installations sportives, centres éducatifs, distributeurs automatiques de billets, supermarchés, stations d'essence et plus.
Bâtiments nommés à proximité Services à proximité West 14th Street S'il vous plaît cliquer sur la case située à gauche du nom du service pour afficher sur la carte l'emplacement des services sélectionnés.
Éducation École - 61m - Chesterfield Avenue, 160 École - 260m - West 13th Street, 133 École - 208m - West 13th Street, 141 École - 337m - Chesterfield Avenue, 748 École - 301m - West 8th Street, 160 École - 371m - Chesterfield Avenue, 751 École - 183m - West 15th Street, 133 École - 232m - West 15th Street, 121 École - 168m - West 13th Street, 1288 École - 116m - Chesterfield Avenue, 1450 École - 183m - West 15th Street, 133 École - 121m - West 15th Street, 145 École - 130mMarlborough Tower - Hollyburn Properties West 14th Street, 144 École - 87m - Chesterfield Avenue, 1430 École - 70m - Chesterfield Avenue, 1420Shopping Épicerie - 383m7-Eleven Lonsdale Avenue, 1245 Supermarché - 295mPersia Foods West 15th Street, 118 North Vancouver magasin de seconde main - 252m - West 15th Street, 122 Boulangerie - 595mMountain Top Wheat & Gluten-Free Bakery Lonsdale Avenue, 1124 North Vancouver Fleuriste - 278mNorth Van Florist Lonsdale Avenue, 1433 Alcool - 288mJack Lonsdale's Liquor Store Lonsdale Avenue, 1433 North Vancouver Téléphone: +1-604-986-7333 Thé - 338mTea Time Lonsdale Avenue, 1418 V7M 2J1 North Vancouver Téléphone: +1-604-990-1414 Boucherie - 334mThe Meat Shop & Deli Lonsdale Avenue, 1346 North Vancouver boutique de reprographie - 547mSir Printing Solutions Lonsdale Avenue, 1556 North Vancouver Téléphone: +1-604-980-3860 shop-vacant - 456m - Lonsdale Avenue, 1577 North Vancouver Coiffeur - 359mHair Today Aliments et Boissons Restaurant - 216mEighties Restaurant Larson Road, 1401 Restaurant - 325mAlberello Pizzeria West 15th Street, 115 North Vancouver Téléphone: +1-604-770-4484 Heures d'ouverture: 11:30-22:30 Restaurant - 325mDanbo Lonsdale Avenue, 1449 Restaurant - 382mPoke Bar Lonsdale Avenue, 1448 North Vancouver Restaurant - 316mTehran Nights Restaurant West 15th Street, 114 North Vancouver Restaurant - 369mTamarind Hill Lonsdale Avenue, 1440 North Vancouver Restaurant - 304mKINTON RAMEN Lonsdale Avenue, 1325 North Vancouver Restaurant - 282mJack Lonsdale's Public House Lonsdale Avenue, 1433 North Vancouver Téléphone: +1-604-986-7333 Café - 357mBlenz Coffee Lonsdale Avenue, 1449 Fast Food - 315mSubway Lonsdale Avenue, 1356 North Vancouver Fast Food - 339mFreshslice Pizza Lonsdale Avenue, 1449 North Vancouver Fast Food - 337mChipotle Lonsdale Avenue, 1301 North VancouverServices Publics et Sociaux Voyage Artisanat - 213mAncient Sun Civic Plaza A Coast Salish sun, known for being the keeper of knowledge, rises gently over the Municipal Hall. Artisanat - 395mThe Camel Lonsdale Avenue, 1306 In the March 1, 1862 edition of the British Colonist newspaper, a notice appeared advertising the sale of 25 camels at low price to use as pack animals on the Gold Rush routes.
This is a monument to "The Lady" the last known surviving captive camel. Artisanat - 282mSky Harbour West 13th Street Here is both and object and an image; a work that is tangible and familiar but also remote and surreal. In the space it opens between the expected and the possible, metaphors of deep water, great distance, and indomitable buoyancy abide. Artisanat - 232mThe Chief West 13th Street Based on a Squamish Nation legend, the giant two-headed serpent seen on this pole is said to have strong magical powers. According to the legend, a young man from Sta7msh, the first village along the Squamish River, was sent on a quest to slay the serpent Rues adjacentes Liste des rues et des places connectées avec
West 14th Street