Sur cette page, vous pouvez trouver une carte de localisation, ainsi qu'une liste des lieux et des services disponibles sur ou à proximité Queen Street East: Hôtels, restaurants, installations sportives, centres éducatifs, distributeurs automatiques de billets, supermarchés, stations d'essence et plus.
Bâtiments nommés à proximité Services à proximité Queen Street East S'il vous plaît cliquer sur la case située à gauche du nom du service pour afficher sur la carte l'emplacement des services sélectionnés.
Shopping Opticien - 390mGlobal Optical Boutique King Street East, 50 Épicerie - 43mCrown Variety & Snack Queen Street East, 79 Épicerie - 390mDundas Market Dundas Street East, 125 Heures d'ouverture: 24/7 Épicerie - 308mGateway Newsstands Queen Street East, 2 Épicerie - 266mFriends Convenience & Grocery Richmond Street East, 40 Épicerie - 326mInternational News Queen Street East Épicerie - 380m - Adelaide Street East, 20 magasin de photo - 140mDowntown Camera Queen Street East, 89 M5C 1R9 Téléphone: +1-416-363-1749 Heures d'ouverture: Mo-We 10:00-18:00; Th-Fr 10:00-19:00; Sa 10:00-18:00; Su 12:00-17:00 magasin de photo - 223mHenry's Church Street, 185 Toronto magasin de musique - 612mParamusic Records Dundas Street East, 70 Toronto boutique de reprographie - 357mThe UPS Store Old Post Office Lane boutique de reprographie - 395mThe Printing House Ltd. Adelaide Street East, 88 Toronto Téléphone: +1-416-363-5273 Grand Magasin - 492mSaks Fifth Avenue Yonge Street, 176 M5C 2L7 Toronto Magasin de vêtements - 329mZeglio Custom Clothiers Victoria Street, 14 Toronto Magasin de vêtements - 342mStagioni mens Toronto Street, 20 Toronto Magasin de vêtements - 332mAddition Elle Yonge Street, 181 M5B 1M4 Toronto Téléphone: +1-416-214-0144 Librairie - 489mGiant Book Sale Yonge Street, 223 Toronto Pneus - 339mTireSource Queen Street East salon de beauté - 117mZara Spa & Hair Studio Dalhousie Street, 6 salon de beauté - 291mSweetgrass Queen Street East, 115 salon de beauté - 138mBeauty & Health Spa Richmond Street East, 58 Boulangerie - 38mQueen's Own Bakery Queen Street East, 79 shop-vacant - 184m - Lombard Street, 36 shop-vacant - 388mpurveyors of fine e-liquids and electronic cigarettes Queen Street East, 120 Fleuriste - 534mEdible Arrangements Adelaide Street East, 140 nettoyage à sec - 136mRoyal Dry Cleaners Richmond Street East, 58 Magasin de Ordinateurs - 521mNotebook Depot Dundas Street East, 106 Supermarché - 477mSaks Food Hall - Pusateri's Yonge Street, 176 Toronto Coiffeur - 314mSamir Hair Design Toronto Street, 36 Coiffeur - 354mBruno Rosales Salon Pour Hommes Victoria Street, 74 Coiffeur - 333mUrban Philosophy Richmond Street East, 20 Toronto Les Chaussures - 396mElapra Shoes Queen Street East, 1 Toronto Téléphone: +1-416-214-2251 Téléphones Mobiles - 459mCellicon PATH boutique de décoration d'intérieur - 370mHomeSense Yonge Street, 195 M5B 1M4 Toronto Téléphone: +1-416-941-9185 Bijoux - 122mMcTamney's Church Street Bijoux - 237mAAA Diamonds Queen Street East, 27 M5C 2M6 Toronto Téléphone: +1-416-365-0451 Email: Heures d'ouverture: Mo-Sa 10:30-17:00 Bijoux - 218mJacob Mercari - Gregory Jacobson Queen Street East, 27 M5C 2M6 Toronto Téléphone: +1-416-861-8204 Heures d'ouverture: Mo-Th 09:00-17:30; Fr 09:00-16:00 Fournitures médicales - 368mA & E Optical Queen Street East, 1 Toronto Téléphone: +1-416-863-6221 Quincaillerie - 406mPolytechnic Hardware Dundas Street East Confiserie - 725mPablo PATH prêteur - 122mDeals 4 U Church Street, 115 prêteur - 126mUnideLuxe Church Street, 115B Toronto prêteur - 132mJewellery Plus Pawnshop Church Street, 111 Toronto prêteur - 304mM. O. Trading Centre Pawnbrokers Queen Street East, 90 magasin de sac à main - 484mCoach Yonge Street, 176 Marchand de journaux - 495mInternational News King Street East, 92 Boutique de cadeaux - 496mNovelty Yonge Street, 117Aliments et Boissons Restaurant - 82mHawthorne Food & Drink Richmond Street East, 60 Téléphone: +1-647-930-9517 Restaurant - 338mMercatto Restaurant Toronto Street, 15 Toronto Restaurant - 363mBuppha Thai Restaurant Queen Street East Toronto Restaurant - 314mBLD Restaurant Toronto Street, 36 Toronto Restaurant - 265mMirto Italian Restaurant Toronto Street, 25 Toronto Restaurant - 307mLa Bettola Di Terroni Victoria Street, 106 Toronto Téléphone: +1-416-504-9998 Restaurant - 329mTerroni Adelaide Street East, 57 Toronto Restaurant - 192mGolden Thai Church Street, 105 M5C 2G3 Toronto Restaurant - 93mShawarma's King Queen Street East, 60 Toronto Téléphone: +1-416-591-9167 Restaurant - 152mWild Wing Richmond Street East, 74 Restaurant - 189m120 Diner Church Street, 120 Toronto Restaurant - 137mT.C.J. Restaurant Dalhousie Street, 6 Toronto Restaurant - 311mGyu-Kaku Church Street, 81 M5C 2G2 Toronto Téléphone: +1-647-351-2378 Restaurant - 395mBikkuri Japanese Restaurant King Street East, 50 Toronto Restaurant - 320mCarisma Toronto Street, 15 Restaurant - 300mDon Alfonso 1890 Toronto Street, 19 M5C 2R1 Toronto Téléphone: +1-416-214-5888 Restaurant - 334mSansotei Ramen Adelaide Street East, 30 Restaurant - 309mPumpernickel's Adelaide Street East Restaurant - 301mNami Japanese Restaurant Adelaide Street East, 55 Toronto Restaurant - 340mPortico Richmond Street East, 15 Fast Food - 80mMcDonald's Church Street, 127 Toronto Fast Food - 278mBooster Juice Queen Street East Fast Food - 394mLa Prep Adelaide Street East, 20 M5C 2T6 Toronto Téléphone: +1-647-351-3011 Fast Food - 179mSubway Church Street, 169 Fast Food - 258mBob's Bulgogi Richmond Street East, 40 Fast Food - 141mDruxy's Famous Deli Queen Street East, 55 Fast Food - 370mBooster Juice Queen Street East, 2 M5C 3G7 Toronto Téléphone: +1-416-913-4562 Fast Food - 321mSubway Richmond Street East, 20 Fast Food - 195mA&W Church Street, 167 M5B 1Y6 Toronto Heures d'ouverture: 24/7 Fast Food - 381mDac Biet Burger Church Street, 213 M5B 1Y7 Toronto Téléphone: +1-416-703-8878 Heures d'ouverture: Mo-Fr 11:30-21:00; Sa 12:00-21:00; Su 16:00-21:00 Fast Food - 377mPizzaiolo Toronto Street, 1 Toronto Téléphone: +1-416-366-5551 Fast Food - 220mDomino's Richmond Street East Toronto Fast Food - 378mBig Smoke Burger King Street East, 50 Toronto Fast Food - 328mMr. Sushi Toronto Street, 20 Toronto Fast Food - 324mTSB 2000 Toronto Street, 20 Toronto Fast Food - 318mOmg! It's Yogurt Toronto Street, 20 Fast Food - 345mLa Prep Queen Street East, 2 Pub - 282mBatch Victoria Street, 75 M5C 2B1 Toronto Téléphone: +1-416-366-1786 Café - 158mSecond Cup Bond Street, 30 M5B 1W8 Toronto Café - 391mLettieri Adelaide Street East, 25 Café - 307mStarbucks Queen Street East, 1 Café - 323mLa Prep Queen Street East, 1 Toronto Café - 260mTim Hortons Victoria Street, 156 Café - 227mTimothy's Lombard Street Toronto Café - 315mTim Hortons Victoria Street Toronto Café - 313mSam James Coffee Bar Toronto Street, 15 Café - 310mVersus Adelaide Street East, 70 Toronto Café - 370mLa Prep Queen Street East, 2 Café - 297mYoung Cafe Toronto Street, 19 Café - 275mTreats Adelaide Street East, 60 Bar - 156mMcVeigh's Church Street, 124 M5C 2G8 Toronto Bar - 215mLighthouse Shisha Lounge Church Street, 97 Toronto Bar - 187mClub 120 Church Street, 120 Toronto Bar - 177mThe Carbon Bar Queen Street East, 99 aire de restauration - 630m - Grand Opera LaneServices Publics et Sociaux Case postale - 70m - - Canada Post Queen Street East, 59 Case postale - 381m - - Canada Post Shuter Street, 17 Case postale - 359m - - Canada Post Adelaide Street East, 20 Case postale - 260m - - Canada Post Queen Street East, 111 Case postale - 353m - - Canada Post Adelaide Street East, 31 Case postale - 365m - - Canada Post Church Street, 82 Case postale - 386m - - Canada Post Bond Street, 67 Case postale - 87m - - Canada Post Church Street, 129 Case postale - 344m - - Canada Post Adelaide Street East, 69 Poste - 246mDHL Lombard Street Poste - 367mAdelaide Post Office - Canada Post Adelaide Street East, 31 Toronto Poste - 357mThe UPS Store Old Post Office LaneAutres Téléphone - 399m - - generic Dalhousie Street, 99 cyber-café - 607mLick N' Click Dundas Street East, 74 shop-discount - 572m - King Street East, 8 shop-home - 371mHomeSense Yonge Street, 195 relay_box - 262m - - Canada Post Queen Street East, 111 Fontaine - 278m - Adelaide Street East, 50 Fontaine - 388m - Court Street, 10 shop-camera - 34mHenry's Outlet Centre Queen Street East, 79 Corbeille - 57m - Queen Street East, 54 shop-appliance - 185mIlly Queen Street East, 99 Recyclage - 75m - Bond Street, 25 Horloge - 569m - Church Street, 65 private_door - 565m - Temperance Street, 14 bureaux diplomatiques - 433mBureau économique et culturel de Taïpei Yonge Street, 151 M5C 2W7 Toronto Téléphone: +1 416-369-9030 one_zone_wifi - 382m - Queen Street East, 2 office-company - 213mMichael's Global Trading Shuter Street, 65 M5B 1B2 Toronto Téléphone: +1 888-471-5066 Michaels Global Trading (MGT) is a local Canadian company with nearly a decade of experience. With humble beginnings as a small resale business operating out of a storage locker we’ve grown to become the leaders in the removal, decommissioning, and liquid Heures d'ouverture: Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00 office-company - 385mPoint Alliance Adelaide Street East, 20 M5C 2T6 Toronto Téléphone: +1-855-947-6468 office-company - 377mCanadian Life and Health Insurance Association Queen Street East, 1 Toronto Téléphone: +1-416-777-2221 office-company - 389mCaseware International Inc. King Street East, 351 M5A 2W4 Toronto Téléphone: +1 (416) 867-9504 Heures d'ouverture: Mo-Fr 08:00-17:00 office-financial_advisor - 364mC.I. Investments Queen Street East, 2 Toronto Téléphone: +1-416-364-1145 Abri - 627mPavilion office-charity - 211mWriters' Trust of Canada Richmond Street East, 90 M5C 1P1 Toronto bureaux du gouvernement - 368mPassport Canada Victoria Street, 74 Toronto Heures d'ouverture: Mo-Fr 08:30-16:00; Sa-Su off bureaux du gouvernement - 392mServiceOntario Victoria Street office-consulting - 578mComarm Solutions Inc. King Street East, 8 M5C 1B5 Toronto Téléphone: +1-416-304-9482 Email: Heures d'ouverture: Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00 Distributeur automatique - 335m - Toronto Street, 20 Distributeur automatique - 397mMetro King Street East, 50 waste_basket;recycling - 267m - - Astral Mutual Street écoles de langues - 422mELS Victoria Street, 36 Toronto office-lawyer - 409mHeer Law Adelaide Street East, 25 M5C 3A1 Toronto Téléphone: +1 416-546-7303 Fax: +1 416-352-5709 Email: Heures d'ouverture: Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00 events_venue - 435mSt. James Cathedral Centre Adelaide Street East Event space and drop-in space. office-yes - 425mRapid7 King Street East, 70 shop-nutrition_supplements - 503mPopeye's Supplements Yonge Street, 117 parcel_locker - 556mAmazon Hub Locker King Street East, 93 office-home_care - 533mCPAP Depot Yonge Street, 140 M2R 3V1 Toronto Téléphone: +1-866-209-0654 CPAP Machines, Masks and accessories. loading_dock - 367m - Adelaide Street East, 20 office-insurance - 266mPolicyMe Adelaide Street East, 60 M5C 3E4 Toronto Téléphone: 866-999-7457 Email: Heures d'ouverture: Mo-Su 09:00-17:00 shop-cannabis - 341mIpot Cannabis Queen Street East office-newspaper - 251mToronto Life Queen Street East, 111 M5C 1S2 Toronto Téléphone: +1 416-955-4960 office-notary - 422mRed Seal Notary Adelaide Street East, 25 office-tax_advisor - 456mH&R Block Shuter Street, 7 Toilettes - 576m - Temperance Street, 14 Underground east of hallway in Bay-Adelaide Centre shop-rugs - 485mImperial Rug Galleries Ltd. Church Street, 54 Toronto spa - 303mpoa studio Church Street, 98 Toronto security - 375mCommissionaires Church Street, 80 Toronto Fonds social - 573mBond Place Hotel homeless shelter Bond Street, 86 chiropractor - 375mChiropractic Centre Adelaide Street East, 84 Toronto Rues adjacentes Liste des rues et des places connectées avec
Queen Street East