Sur cette page, vous pouvez trouver une carte de localisation, ainsi qu'une liste des lieux et des services disponibles sur ou à proximité King Street East: Hôtels, restaurants, installations sportives, centres éducatifs, distributeurs automatiques de billets, supermarchés, stations d'essence et plus.
Bâtiments nommés à proximité Services à proximité King Street East S'il vous plaît cliquer sur la case située à gauche du nom du service pour afficher sur la carte l'emplacement des services sélectionnés.
Shopping Car shop - 145mVolkswagen Downtown Toronto - Volkswagen Adelaide Street East, 550 M5A 1N7 Toronto Car shop - 189mVolkswagen Adelaide Street East boutique d'art - 302mLittle T Annex Art Gallery King Street East, 425 M5A 1L3 Toronto Supermarché - 294mNo Frills Front Street East, 200 Heures d'ouverture: Mo-Sa 08:00-21:00; Su 08:00-20:00 boutique de décoration d'intérieur - 368mKiondo African Imports Inc Queen Street East, 323 Toronto Épicerie - 251mC Stores King Street East, 393 Épicerie - 373mRoyal Foodland The Esplanade, 220 Épicerie - 374m - The Esplanade, 252 Toronto shop-vacant - 213mrelativespace King Street East, 330 shop-vacant - 352m - Queen Street East, 331 shop-vacant - 373m - Queen Street East, 319 shop-vacant - 346m - Queen Street East, 329 shop-vacant - 338m - Queen Street East, 333 shop-vacant - 337m - Queen Street East, 337 shop-vacant - 331m - Queen Street East, 335 Meubles - 40mKiosk King Street East, 288 Meubles - 56mKlaus by Nienkamper King Street East, 300 Meubles - 379mAdornments on Queen Queen Street East, 346 Meubles - 382mUrban Barn King Street East, 275 M5A 1K2 Toronto cuisine - 155mbulthaup King Street East, 270 cuisine - 176mBauteam King Street East, 322 Toronto Magasin de vêtements - 68mL’Atelier King Street East, 300 Vélos - 649mYa Bikes! Queen Street East, 242 Toronto Téléphone: +1-416-546-2200 Téléphones Mobiles - 650mFreedom Mobile Queen Street East, 242-½ Fleuriste - 403mGingko Floral Design The Esplanade, 220 Coiffeur - 195mKao Salon Academy King Street East, 326 Toronto animalerie - 411mPet Valu Front Street East, 184 salon de beauté - 344mNailing King Street East, 250 magasin de tapis - 436mImperial Rug Galleries King Street East, 232 nettoyage à sec - 629mCrown Cleaners Lower Sherbourne Street, 120 Quincaillerie - 610mSt. Lawrence Pro Hardware Lower Sherbourne Street Heures d'ouverture: Mo-Fr 09:00-18:00; Sa 10:00-17:00 magasin de peinture - 442mBenjamin Moore Queen Street East grand magasin - 165mDollarama Front Street East Alcool - 213mLCBO Front Street EastAliments et Boissons Café - 110mRooster Coffee House King Street East, 343 Toronto Téléphone: +1-416-995-1530 Email: Heures d'ouverture: Mo-Fr 07:00-20:00; Sa,Su 07:00-18:00 Café - 348mSt. Lawrence Cafe The Esplanade, 248 Toronto Café - 205mStarbucks Berkeley Street, 52 Fast Food - 76mPumpernickel's King Street East Fast Food - 393mSubway The Esplanade, 220 Fast Food - 352mPita Land King Street East, 250 Fast Food - 336m241 Pizza Parliament Street, 142 Restaurant - 176mMangia & Bevi King Street East, 260 M5A 4L5 Toronto Téléphone: +1-416-613-1236 Restaurant - 395mMom and Pops The Esplanade, 262 Heures d'ouverture: Mo-Fr 07:00-16:00 Restaurant - 187mFreshii King Street East, 351 Toronto Heures d'ouverture: Mo-Fr 08:00-21:00, Sa-Su 12:00-18:00 Pub - 380mBetty's King Street East, 240 Téléphone: +1-416-368-1300Services Publics et Sociaux Police - 374mToronto Police - 51 Division - Toronto Police Service Parliament Street, 51 M5A 2Y5 Toronto Caserne de pompiers - 349mToronto Fire Station 333 Front Street East, 207 M5A 2B5 Toronto centre communautaire - 301mSt. Lawrence Community Recreation Centre The Esplanade, 230 centre communautaire - 332mSt. Lawrence Community Recreation Centre The Esplanade, 230 Toronto Case postale - 94m - - Canada Post King Street East, 343 Case postale - 264m - - Canada Post King Street East, 334 Case postale - 266m - - Canada Post Front Street East, 223 Case postale - 192m - - Canada Post Ontario Street, 12 Case postale - 124m - - Canada Post Berkeley Street, 93 Bibliothèque - 655mToronto Public Library - St. Lawrence - Toronto Public Library Front Street East, 171 TorontoTransport Parking Vélo - 55m - - City of Toronto - accès public King Street East Parking Vélo - 87m - - City of Toronto - accès public King Street East Parking Vélo - 270m - Parliament Street, 108 Parking Vélo - 346m - - City of Toronto - accès public The Esplanade, 230 Parking Vélo - 170m - - City of Toronto - accès public Front Street East Parking Vélo - 178m - - City of Toronto - accès public King Street East, 351 Parking Vélo - 340m - - City of Toronto - accès public The Esplanade, 224 Parking Vélo - 351m - - City of Toronto - accès public The Esplanade, 222 Parking Vélo - 104m - - City of Toronto - accès public King Street East, 343 Parking Vélo - 84m - - City of Toronto - accès public King Street East, 343 Parking Vélo - 60m - - City of Toronto - accès public King Street East Parking Vélo - 57m - - City of Toronto - accès public King Street East, 288 Parking Vélo - 60m - - City of Toronto - accès public King Street East, 288 Parking Vélo - 204m - - City of Toronto - accès public Front Street East, 227 Parking Vélo - 212m - - City of Toronto - accès public Front Street East, 227 Parking Vélo - 186m - - City of Toronto - accès public King Street East, 351 Parking Vélo - 193m - - City of Toronto - accès public King Street East, 351 Parking Vélo - 206m - - City of Toronto - accès public King Street East, 351 Parking Vélo - 274m - - City of Toronto - accès public Front Street East Parking Vélo - 276m - - City of Toronto - accès public Front Street East Parking Vélo - 279m - - City of Toronto - accès public Front Street East Parking Vélo - 366m - - 2 Berkeley St. Toronto ON The Esplanade, 262 Parking Vélo - 359m - - 2 Berkeley St. Toronto ON The Esplanade Parking Vélo - 374m - - City of Toronto - accès public King Street East, 240 Parking Vélo - 97m - - City of Toronto - accès public King Street East Parking Vélo - 194m - - accès public Ontario Street, 12 Parking Vélo - 156m - - City of Toronto - accès public King Street East, 333 Parking Vélo - 148m - - City of Toronto - accès public King Street East, 341 Parking Vélo - 152m - - City of Toronto - accès public King Street East, 333 Parking Vélo - 130m - - City of Toronto - accès public King Street East, 341 Parking Vélo - 110m - - City of Toronto - accès public King Street East, 343 Parking Vélo - 222m - - City of Toronto - accès public Front Street East, 227 Parking Vélo - 233m - - City of Toronto - accès public Front Street East, 227 Parking Vélo - 354m - - City of Toronto - accès public King Street East, 250 Parking Vélo - 348m - - City of Toronto - accès public King Street East, 279 Parking Vélo - 343m - - City of Toronto - accès public King Street East, 279 Parking Vélo - 344m - - City of Toronto - accès public King Street East, 279 Parking Vélo - 345m - - City of Toronto - accès public King Street East, 279 Parking Vélo - 346m - - City of Toronto - accès public King Street East, 279 Parking Vélo - 347m - - City of Toronto - accès public King Street East, 279 Parking Vélo - 377m - - City of Toronto - accès public Princess Street, 122 Parking Vélo - 387m - - City of Toronto - accès public The Esplanade, 220 Parking Vélo - 395m - - City of Toronto - accès public The Esplanade, 220 Location de vélo - 81mBike Share Toronto - Toronto Parking Authority King Street East, 343 Location de vélo - 269mBike Share Toronto - Toronto Parking Authority Derby Street Location de vélo - 279mBike Share Toronto - Toronto Parking Authority Princess Street, 159Autres office-charity - 352mWE Charity International Office Queen Street East, 339 Téléphone: +1 416-925-5894 office-charity - 379mWE Charity International Office Queen Street East, 339 Téléphone: +1 416-925-5894 office-company - 107mBoat Rocker Studios King Street East, 310 office-company - 360mME to WE Berkeley Street, 145 Téléphone: +1 416-964-8942 office-company - 212mToronto Sun King Street East, 333 Toronto office-company - 197mCoca-Cola Ltd. and Coca-Cola Refreshments Canada Company King Street East, 335 M5A 1L1 Toronto office-company - 137mitalinteriors Berkeley Street office-company - 120mSAS King Street East, 280 office-company - 389mUncharted Software Berkeley Street, 2 M5A4J5 Téléphone: +14162033003 Email: office-company - 219mFitzrovia King Street East, 266 office-company - 154mThinkmusic Berkeley Street, 95 Toronto shop-stained_glass - 492mArt Nouveau Stained Glass Queen Street East, 287 Abri - 454m - Sherbourne Street, 55 Vétérinaire - 413mToronto Central Animal Clinic Parliament Street, 167 M5A 2Z2 Toronto Téléphone: +1-416-923-5276 office-yes - 352mME to WE Berkeley Street, 145 Ice Cream - 464mRoselle Desserts King Street East, 362 Toronto Téléphone: +1-416-368-8188 office-association - 85mPride Toronto Berkeley Street, 55 M5A 2W5 Toronto Téléphone: +1-416-927-7433 office-association - 331mThe Canadian Association of Financial Institutions in Insurance Richmond Street East, 411 M5A 3S5 Toronto Established in 1997, The Canadian Association of Financial Institutions in Insurance or Cafii for short is a not-for-profit industry association dedicated to the development of an open and flexible insurance marketplace. Heures d'ouverture: Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00 Corbeille - 473m - Hahn Place Recyclage - 472m - Hahn Place Distributeur automatique - 335m - Berkeley Street, 26 Fontaine - 447m - The Esplanade, 265 sport-chess - 399m - Scadding Avenue, 108 office-tax_advisor - 368mCanada’s Best Tax Return & Refund/St. Lawrence Tax & Accounting The Esplanade, 250 traitement des déchets - 677m - Richmond Street East waste_basket;recycling - 111m - King Street East, 310 studio - 465mRehearsal Factory Front Street East, 178 M5A 1E6 Toronto office-lawyer - 363mLDR Law Professional Corporation Richmond Street East, 411 M5A 3S5 Toronto Téléphone: +1 416-519-9294 Email: Heures d'ouverture: Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00 office-lawyer - 391mHicks Adam LLP King Street East, 240 shop-appliance - 110mSub Zero Wolf King Street East shop-cannabis - 333mTokyo Smoke King Street East, 250 Rues adjacentes Liste des rues et des places connectées avec
King Street East