Accueil » Colombie-Britannique » Capital Regional District » Oak Bay » Alumni Chip Trail

Alumni Chip Trail, Capital Regional District (Oak Bay)

Sur cette page, vous pouvez trouver une carte de localisation, ainsi qu'une liste des lieux et des services disponibles sur ou à proximité Alumni Chip Trail: Hôtels, restaurants, installations sportives, centres éducatifs, distributeurs automatiques de billets, supermarchés, stations d'essence et plus.

Bâtiments nommés à proximité

  • - 444 m
  • - 580 m
  • - 571 m
  • - 478 m
  • - 667 m
  • - 555 m
    The Continuing Studies Building (CST) contains the Division of Continuing Studies and the English Language Centre.
  • - 688 m
  • - 875 m
    Arthur Currie is a residence building in the Craigdarroch neighborhood. It houses single and double rooms.
  • - 867 m
  • - 811 m
    The Craigdarroch Office Building (CRA) contains Residence Services.
  • - 1172 m
  • - 1085 m
  • - 1186 m
  • - 1043 m
  • - 1111 m
  • - 1042 m
  • - 1055 m
  • - 1141 m
  • - 942 m
  • - 799 m
  • - 874 m
  • - 841 m
  • - 934 m
  • - 1083 m
  • - 49 m
    The Cunningham Building (CUN) contains the Department of Biology, Centre for Forest Biology and many specialized research facilities, such as animal care laboratories and a biohazard laboratory.
  • - 594 m
  • - 502 m
  • - 431 m
  • - 515 m
  • - 401 m
  • - 281 m
  • - 375 m
  • - 275 m
  • - 184 m
  • - 177 m
  • - 177 m
  • - 344 m
  • - 97 m
  • - 821 m
  • - 625 m
  • - 607 m
  • - 810 m
  • - 602 m
    The Campus Services Building (CSR) contains the University of Victoria's (UVic) Career Services, Centre for Accessible Learning and Bookstore.
  • - 881 m
    Finnerty Road 3800
  • - 156 m
  • - 220 m
  • - 329 m
  • - 678 m
  • - 590 m
  • - 704 m
  • - 477 m
  • - 860 m
  • - 910 m
  • - 809 m
  • - 921 m
  • - 870 m
  • - 769 m
  • - 739 m
  • - 921 m
  • - 1007 m
  • - 978 m
  • - 1077 m
  • - 637 m
  • - 605 m
  • - 569 m
  • - 602 m
    Alice Ravenhill Hall (RRA) is a residence building in the Lansdowne neighborhood. It houses single and double rooms.
  • - 575 m
  • - 638 m
    Carroll (RCA) is a residence building in the Lansdowne neighborhood. It houses single and double rooms.
  • - 965 m
  • - 932 m
  • - 888 m
  • - 803 m
  • - 1004 m
  • - 1059 m
  • - 1043 m
  • - 784 m
  • - 382 m
  • - 726 m
  • - 211 m
  • - 512 m
    The Bev Glover Greenhouse Facility (GGF) contains six climate-controlled greenhouses to accommodate research in the Centre for Forest Biology.
  • - 702 m
  • - 1030 m
  • - 765 m
  • - 711 m
  • - 867 m
  • - 833 m
  • - 335 m
    The Cornett Building (COR) contains: Department of Anthropology, Department of Indigenous studies, Department of Psychology, Department of Sociology, Office of Interdisciplinary Academic Programs, and Ceremonies and Events.
  • - 369 m
    Contains the Faculty of Humanities, Technology Solutions Center and Computer Help Desk. It also contains computer labs.
  • - 338 m

Services à proximité Alumni Chip Trail

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Rues adjacentes

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 Étiquettes OSM

type de routemanière
nomAlumni Chip Trail